
Poor air quality indoors
The air indoors are often much worse than the outside air. This is in part because of pollution entering our well-insulated houses and apartments without exiting again. But we also bring a lot of particles to inside air from chemicals, clothes, pets, smoking and dust.
We spend a lot of time indoors, especially during the winter, where the air is worse than outside.
Bad air makes us sick
High levels of air particles can be linked to a number of serious diseases. Apart from allergies and asthmas, bad air can also be linked to cancer, stroke, heart and vascular diseases, as well as respiratory disease. According to the WHO, air pollution is the cause of 7 million premature deaths globally each year.
Wood’s air purifiers remove harmful particles from the air.

When using an air purifier, you remove the harmful air particles from the household air including of course the smoke. Instead of inhaling the particles, they are caught by the air cleaner’s filters. Breathing clean air has many benefits and will make you feel stronger, healthier and more refreshed.
- Does cigarette smoke affect air pollution?
- What will remove cigarette smoke from the air?
- What absorbs the smell of smoke?
Remove sSmoke, gas and odour
Chem Control Carbon Filter
Wood’s Chem Control Carbon Filters are made in Germany of excellent quality carbon. The Chem Control Carbon filters are used to remove smoke, gas and odour from the household air. Containing high densities of active carbon, Wood’s Chem Control Carbon Filters provide a long-lasting, reliable and highly efficient filtration capacity.
Wood’s Chem Control Carbon Filter is available with different amounts of carbon (a higher amount of carbon means a longer lasting filter) for the Wood’s AL 300 and Wood’s GRAN 900 air purifiers.
- How carbon filtration works:
The contaminated air passes through the adsorbent (the carbon). When the gas molecules pass through the microscopic pores in the adsorbent they are adsorbed onto the surfaces through physical bonding (molecular attraction forces).
This is called adsorption.
For more than 60 years Wood’s has been known for top quality, reliability, high capacity and the lowest possible energy consumption.
Wood’s has helped more than 600.000 households to prevent damages from mould,odors,dust,smog and smoke, and to breathe cleaner air.
USE Wood’s AIR purifier GRAN-900 !An air purifier for homes works to filter odor molecules from the air and provides a healthy atmosphere inside. With the tips shared here, you can now do short work with the smell of smoke at home. In addition to these compensatory measures, it is recommended that you be cautious and safe. Be sure to empty the ashtrays regularly and avoid

- Compact and powerful
- Active ION HEPA filter
- Up to 10 years warranty
- Removes dust, pollen and other harmful particles
- High capacity carbon filter (accessory)

• Top-tested at leading institute
• Filter and air purifier made in Sweden
• Improve your health by knowing and predicting air quality:
Wood’s Air Quality Monitor AQM-001
Wood’s Air Quality Monitor is a portable and handheld laser PM2.5 detector knowing what is in the air you breathe is vital. With Wood’s Air Quality Monitor (AQM) you can measure and control the quality of your indoor air. Indoors, the air can be two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors, according to U.S. Pat. Environmental Protection Agency. Many of us also spend up to 90% of our time indoors. How is the quality of the air you breathe in? Discover airborne particles with Wood’s Air Quality Monitor.
Learn more for measure the quality indoor air here: (product sheet AQM)
Wood’s Air Quality Monitor AQM-001

Wood’s Air Quality Monitor is a portable and handheld laser PM2.5 detector knowing what is in the air you breathe is vital. With Wood’s Air Quality Monitor (AQM) you can measure and control the quality of your indoor air. Indoors, the air can be two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors, according to U.S. Pat. Environmental Protection Agency. Many of us also spend up to 90% of our time indoors. How is the quality of the air you breathe in? Discover airborne particles with Wood’s Air Quality Monitor.